We invite all interested Scientists to submit abstracts for Oral or E-Poster Presentation at the 6th Pan European Congress On Military Medicine, organized under the aegis of the International Committee of Military Medicine and the patronage of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff, from 16 to 19 April 2024 in Zappeion Megaron, Athens, Greece.
Corresponding authors should fill out the contact form and follow the guidelines bellow. Abstracts, that are not prepared according to Guidelines, will not be considered as valid and will not be accredited. Submission deadline of Abstracts is Friday, 22 March 2024.
- All material intended for presentation in the 6th Pan European Congress On Military Medicine, should be submitted to the Abstract Submission Form in the current Congress website www.6thicmmathensgreece.com.
1st topic: Screening personnel
2nd topic: Medical, surgical and dental treatment
3rd topic: Preventive medicine
4th topic: Veterinary medicine
5th topic: Medical Material and Military Pharmacy
6th topic: Military Medical Logistics
7th topic: Scientific and medical research
- Manuscripts should be written in standard 10-point Arial font, with no spaces between paragraphs, a 3 cm margin at the left hand side and a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts should be submitted as a Word file on the required field of submission system.
- The abstract file must be saved to your computer first. For filename please use Latin characters only and do not insert spaces between words.
- The summary has to be submitted only in one of the three working languages of the International Committee of Military Medicine: English or French.
- The title should indicate the content of the abstract in a concise manner. For the Abstract’s title, please use bold all capital letters and full justification. Please avoid using abbreviations.
- Three to five keywords should be provided in order to assist indexers in cross-indexing the presentation.
- Authors submitting an abstract do not need to be registered participants.
- The abstract form has to be completed by the first author: full name(s), military rank, professional titles, institution, city, country of the author(s) should accompany each contribution. Underline the speaker’s name.
- Authors’ names should appear in Bold font below the title of the abstract in lowercase and must be given in full. Surname first with first letter Capital. Please, underline the name of the presenting author who has been registered for and will attend the Congress (an accepted abstract does not give you free registration).
- The official title of the institutional affiliations and the city/town should be provided on a new line below the authors’ names in lowercase letters. If more than one institution, please separate by using superscript arabic numerals (1,2,3).
- The Congress Scientific Committee may require authors to justify the assignment of authorship.
- All partial or complete reproductions of an article, which has been presented in the 6th Pan European Congress On Military Medicine, are submitted to the previous agreement of the International Committee of Military Medicine.
- No charts, pictures or photos are allowed in the abstract.
- Abbreviations should be avoided in the text, except for accepted scientific units of measurements (SI units). Other abbreviations, if used, should be spelt out in full when first mentioned in the text.
- Any abstract that does not conform to instructions will be returned to the author(s).
- Abstracts sent by fax will not be considered.
- The number of abstracts submitted per author is not limited; however, the author has to guarantee that if selected, the presentation will be made.
- It is necessary to indicate the preference of presenting: Oral or Poster Presentation. Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will automatically be considered for poster presentation
- After an abstract has been accepted, regular papers of about eight to ten pages, including all figures, tables and references have to be submitted to the Congress Scientific Committee in order to be eligible for publication in the International Review of the Armed Forces Medical Services, official review of the International Committee of Military Medicine.
- All submissions will be reviewed and notifications will be sent out by the end of March 2024. Please do not hesitate to contact the Congress Secretariat should you need any additional clarifications or may you have any queries.